The Dream of X - DJ
- THE DREAM OF X, DJ - A black ink and color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper.
This drawing was intended to be the dust jacket art for the book titled, "The Dream of X," by William Hope Hodgson, published by Donald Grant in 1977.
When the book was published and I received my copies, I was a bit disappointed to see that Grant had used one of my story drawings for the dust jacket instead of using the drawing I specifically made for the DJ. I don't know why, but he decided to use my Dj drawing for the endpapers in the book instead.
When Grant received the finished books from the book binder, he invited me to his home in Rhode Island to sign a number of "special edition" copies. The special edition books have a different fabric for the covers, and each book is contained in a box.
All the books (no boxes were in sight) were stored in his garage and piled up on a few tables. Whoever did the stacking had mixed up the regular edition books with the special edition books, the ones with a more expensive cover fabric. The problem was that the regular edition fabric and the special edition fabric were the same color and the difference between the two was hard to discern. Grant had to examine each book with a magnifying glass, under a lamp, to pick out the special edition copies that I had to sign. I didn't want to embarrass him so I did not ask why he did not select a different color fabric for the special edition.

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